Laptop charger is one the most essential commodities for people with itinerant life style. This apparatus is used as a medium of supplying electricity to the laptop.
More and more people need to always keep the laptop adapters plugged in all thet time for working and other things. Today, the market is full of all kinds of chargers, the original ones and the replacement ones. And often, it might turn out to be a difficult task in deciding upon a paticular charger that is fit in your laptop power socket, and the power, the voltage are all compatible. Some of the top brands of laptop chargers are Acer, Sumsang , Dell, HP/Compaq,Lenovo, Toshiba,etc.
When you are planning to purchase a replacement laptop charger, going to the branded store maybe your first choose, but most of people do not think so, since the quality ,the durability, the price, the seller reputation and the the efficency of the shipping will are also considered.Go to a professional charger store, you could also get a good price and good quality ac adapter for your laptop, they also have a long warranty, and since regular website store have not such reputation with the branded store, they always have better service, and their price and their serive are also worth to buy.
If you lost your power adapter or the original one broken and you need to purchase a new one , then you could search google with your laptop model or the P/N number of your original adapter, you will always get what you want. Shopping online is very convenient and efficent way for you to purchase an ac adapter.
Tips for how to choose a right ac adapter
If you use your laptop model or the P/N number of your original ac adapter to search at google, you could also find the compatible one.
The model of your laptop is printed on the bottom of itself, as well as the DC voltage and amps your laptop needs.
It reads like: input: +19V----4.74A, 90v
input: +19V----3.42A, 65W
But how to confirm you have choose the right one, there are three tip.
The size of the plug is a must. You will want to know the exact size of it. The size of the connector is quite important, since a little loose or tight for the jack will result in disconnecting.
The power and the current will be the two another important thing you need know when you purchase the right power adapter for the laptop.
After choose an right adapter, and then you need to maintain your laptop battery charger, as it is the sole device that provides the necessary power to your hp laptop charger. Chargers are a crucial and sensitive device that comes along with the laptop. You need to protect it well.
The most common thing that we all have adopted after the completion of laptop usage is; plugging the charger out of socket without actually switching off the switch.
This not only raises the chances of a short circuit, but also damages the end pins inside the three pin holder of charger cable. When you continue doing the same, you eventually weaken the cables reducing its total life span. An internal cable breakage might result in an abrupt power supply which is very harmful to the batteries of the hp laptop.
Don't Bend It Like Beckham
Don't bend your hp laptop charger's cable. Continue this practice and you'd have snapped a thread or two in the power cables laid within the charger cable. This will again increase the chance of short circuit and also introduce abrupt power levels.
Don't Roll the Charger Cable
Its a common practice to keep the laptop on table and throw the hp laptop battery charger behind the table and plug in only the end of the cable to the laptop. While doing this, we quite often keep things upon the cable near the edge of the table, which is normally sharp. When you either pull or push the cable over the edge of the table, you are actually damaging the rubber coating on the cable that carries power. This gradually exposes the internal wiring and will definitely prove dangerous both to you and the laptop.
Maybe after a long time use, your adapter will dead , just like people, the ending of our life is dead , everyone knows it,that is nature.
When an AC adapter loses its functionality, your first instinct may be to simply throw it in the trash. However, some states have laws against the improper disposal of electronic equipment. While you could research your state's regulations, it will be easier and more rewarding to properly dispose of your AC adapter by recycling it.
Locate a website which says about recycling AC adapters,some examples are iGO, ERS, or Electronic Recycling Services. By visiting one of these websites, you can enter your zip code and you will be given a list of places that recycle electronic equipment. A search of this writer's zip code provided four locations within a 10-mile radius. Select the closest or most convenient center. In addition, the site also provides links for sites that offer similar services.
Package the AC adapter as well as possible. The original packaging is ideal, but since that is often been long disposed of, a good bag or small box will suffice.
Submit your AC adapter to a representative at the recycling center. Be sure to clearly explain that the power adapter requires disposal and you are choosing to recycle it with that facility as opposed to simply throwing it in the trash. Some places may offer small compensation for recycling your adapter, but that depends on the location.
Above all, we complete a laptop charger life, purchasing it just like a new baby come to your life ,bring it up just like maintaining it,burying it like dispose it.